School > School

Friend Breakup (redo)

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Boy #1 and Boy #2
*huddle together, talking*

*go and meet up my two friends who I usually play with at recess*

Boy #1 and Boy #2
*turn to Jenny*

Boy #1
"Jenny, after you stopped carrying that dumb bear around with you everywhere, you were really cool, for a girl. Now you've started doing it again, and it's really embarrassing to be seen with you."

Boy #2
"More importantly, your suddenly became sad all of the time and your not any fun anymore."

"I-I'm sorry. I'll try to be more fun."

Boy #1
"And not a sissy wimp, like you've become."

*nod, sadly*

Boy #2
"Give me Pooh, and we'll see if you're really going back to not being a sissy wimp."

*start to hand him Pooh, but then pull him away and hold him tight*

Boy #1 and Boy #2
*look at her in disgust, turn and walk away*

*stand there, crying*

Dallas had been walking around the school grounds.  Hearing a familiar voice, he decides to go see what's up.  The boy made way for some kids that were walking past and then he saw Jenny standing there, crying.  For a moment, his eyes widened.  Dallas walked over to the girl.

  "Are you okay?"  Dallas asked, stroking her hair once.

*through tears* "No. My friends don't want to be my friends anymore. They said I'm a sissy wimp and I'm not fun anymore, and they're right."

  "What makes you think they're right?"  He asked.

"I can't go anywhere without Pooh, and I'm usually sad."


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